MICHAEL & CARRIE KLINE with Joe Blumenthal


Saturday – April 20 – 7:00 pm

Carrie and Michael Kline’s lives circle around one another and are inspired by Appalachian music and culture. Their voices carry the songs with truth and authenticity, and their guitar accompaniments and haunting harmonies get you where you live. With their lifelong focus on West Virginia history and tradition, their performances celebrate the old-time singers as well as the songs.

“We place our songs in a historical, folkloric context with stories and images to set the stage for the songs. We sing in the kind of tight, high mountain harmony that comes from living and loving together for thirty years, having met in the Valley and recently returned after 26 years as West Virginia-based folklorists, oral historians, and music makers. Our guitar accompaniments are also in closely arranged harmony, with Michael’s melodic lines and Carrie’s rhythm and runs, elevated by Joe Blumenthal’s upright bass arrangements.

Suggested donation: $15 to $25 (or pay as you are able)
Reservations at diacrowe@yahoo.com or call 413-835-1695

Listen at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CH8woGxbnk

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